1.to organize datacomputer information according to different levels of detail, each level more detailed than the previous one
1.You could drill down into each local process and print it out as well, but then you lose the high-level view.
2.'It's the age-old problem that the more you drill down in to a simple subject, the more you realise that it's really not simple at all. '
3.It was only after she took the time to drill down into her business that she began to find the people that she wanted to help.
4.If there are feeds on the borderline, I would drill down into them for a couple of weeks to see if I actually read any of their posts.
5.From this view, you are able to drill down to see all the WPARs defined on any of your managed systems.
6.Let's drill down to the details to see how JAX-RPC is trying to eliminate these problems by defining a common programming model.
7.This hierarchy is currently just a drill down path for users - no relationship between levels or attributes have been defined.
8.It has many predefined agents, and a console that allows drill-down on inpidual issues.
9.With a small amount of instance data to analyze, your drill-up and drill-down requests will be very responsive.
10.Query drill down allows you to gather statistical information about each SQL statement executed on the system and analyze statement history.